U.N. negotiation room, with a hundred wooden chairs set up in a circle, people facing inward, and a few attendees seated by their computers and microphones.

Civil society stops the chair's attempts to halt all progress on the TNC treaty, a tool meant to hold corporations accountable for its harms.

Updates from the United Nations negotiations on the international legally binding instrument to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations.

The following statement was delivered by Corporate Accountability, associate director of equity and major gifts, at the Wells Fargo annual shareholder's meeting. 

El borrador del texto del tratado, parece dejar de lado las salvaguardias contra la interferencia política corporativa.

As the World Health Organization pandemic treaty meetings resume, the draft text fails to address corporate political interference.

Investors at the PepsiCo annual shareholders' meeting demand that the corporation fully disclose its political spending globally.