May 30, 2018

Big Polluters can’t hide

Protester holds "Polluters out, people in" poster

Today ExxonMobil and Chevron hold their annual shareholders’ meetings.

In these meetings, executives, board members, shareholders, and press will gather in fancy auditoriums. They’ll congratulate each other on the profits they’ve raked in this year. And they’ll even try to show that they are “part of the solution” to the climate crisis.

What they don’t want to talk about is how their massive profits hinge on extracting and burning fossil fuels — the very thing that is quickly bringing our planet to the tipping point. They won’t want to talk about how the extraction and transportation of fossil fuels are harming communities and ecosystems around the world. And they won’t want to talk about their role in blocking attempts at implementing innovative and effective climate policy on the local, national, and international level.

So this is where you come in. Tens of thousands of people like you took action to demand Big Polluters stay out of climate policymaking. We’re standing in solidarity with communities that are challenging the impunity of these Big Polluters. And we’re making sure that top executives hear your call during their shareholders’ meeting.

But we need your help to pull it off.

In the lead-up to today’s meetings, hundreds of people across the country gathered together to call on Big Polluters to get out of climate policy. These “Nights of Action” are putting pressure on these giant oil and gas corporations by flooding their phone lines.

For 40 years, Corporate Accountability has organized events and tactics like these to ensure that people’s demands are brought straight to the top decision-makers during corporations’ shareholders’ meetings. It’s a smart, bold tactic that inserts your voice in a space meant to shut you out.

This work makes such a huge impact on all of our campaigns: from climate change to water justice to public health. That’s why one of our generous donors has offered to triple all gifts we receive during our shareholders’ meeting campaign push. Will you step up to help?

Donate now to have the biggest impact and a generous member will triple your gift!

Together we will show the world’s most dangerous corporations that we’re watching and holding them accountable.

Thanks for all you do.

Corporate Accountability
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